About the Program
The Sinapis Entrepreneurship Training Program is a mini-MBA customised for startups & SMEs that includes 16 weeks of curriculum covering customer development, marketing and sales, finance & accounting, human resources & management, and operations. We teach entrepreneurs the essentials of what they need to know and do to start and grow a business.
Participants spend 6 hours each week in a highly interactive and practical class at our partner’s facility, spend 6 hours completing work on an online platform called My Entrepreneurial Journey from Acton School of Business in Austin, Texas USA and spend approximately 8 hours each week completing practical fieldwork assignments called milestones, which are directly related to what they’re learning in class.
Classes are interactive in nature with many case studies, debates, live simulation games, problem sets and videos and we only teach extremely practical & actionable material & force you to apply concepts learned in your business.
Graduates are eligible to compete in our business plan competition for a grand prize of USD 10,000 and a spot in our accelerator program, Fast Track Fellows.
The Results?
On average our participants report a 3x increase in investment capital raised & 150% revenue growth within 1 year of completing the program!
99% of participants would recommend Sinapis over a traditional MBA to a fellow entrepreneur.
Across all topics, 97% of participants agree that the content was very relevant and 96% of participants agree that the assignments have helped or will help them launch or grow their business.
Who should take the Sinapis Course?
Established business owners in any industry and aspiring entrepreneurs who have innovative business ideas
Those able to dedicate 20 hours per week to the course
Those willing and able to take course work at the advanced MBA level
CEO must be African or a legal resident of the country in which they’re doing the program
CEO must be willing to participate in the program (not send someone else)
Visit the website at to read more and signup

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